If you happen to be reading this from Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, or any place with a high of 4 degrees and a sea of white snow covering everything, please know that I REALLY don't think our recent cold snap here in the Keys was TRULY cold. I feel your winter pain, and I have experienced many cold and snowy seasons in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Washington, DC. Frigid temps, major storms, snow plows burying the car, kids missing countless days of school....been there, too.
All of that said, Key West is coming out of a week of record-breaking temperatures. This morning, when I drove the kids across the island for school, it was a balmy 69 degrees....normal winter temps for this part of the world. Last week it was 20 degrees below that. People joke that Conchs get out their Uggs and scarves when the temp goes below 60 degrees. Well, you should see what they do when it gets below 50.
First off, some people don't seem to have clothing for chilly weather, so they just wear ALL their clothes in layers. It's quite a look! Every time I saw someone in this state it reminded me of the 'Friends' episode where Joey put on all of Chandler's clothes. Pajamas as pants, socks with flip flops....I even saw a woman walking her dog on my street and she was wearing one of those winter hats with the ear flaps, like Elmer Fudd wore when he was hunting rabbits.
The girls' school sent out an email reminding parents to dress children appropriately for the frigid temps so that they could continue to have PE and recess outside. Apparently some parents didn't get the memo....Josie said they actually had PE indoors that day. Science wading trips were cancelled. If it's too cold to play on the playground, surely the kids can't be knee-deep in water looking for turtle grass. And on the coldest morning, all elementary students were ushered into the cafeteria from car line. I am pretty sure that is the first time that has happened in the five years we have gone to this school.
By Sunday afternoon, I started seeing the change on Facebook. After a week of screen shots of the morning's lowest temperature (48 was the lowest I saw) and lots of 'brrrr!!' status updates, friends started venturing back out to the beach. One friend actually referred to yesterday's high of 77 as 'hot.' That cracked me up as much as the rest of it. It's all relative.
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