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Sunday, August 14, 2016

So long, summer.

So, I had it all planned out.

I would work four hours a day and the kids would go to camp at school for six. I'd run to the grocery store then come back and pick them up at 3.

That is SO NOT how this summer went.

Four hours of work per day happened sometimes (generally five or six), and after we got back from vacation, the girls didn't want to go back to camp. (Not that there was anything wrong with camp....our school's summer program is pretty fabulous.)

They just wanted to chill.

To read, fight and make up, watch TV and DVDs, chase the dog around, play Minecraft, sleep in, drink copious amounts of orange juice, and wear pajamas all day. And snack. Lots of snacking.

Basically, what I used to do as a kid during the summer. Be around the house annoying my mom, telling her I'm bored but not wanting to do any of her suggested activities. I think that is what most people used to do before summer became a maze of camps and enrichment programs.

The girls were happy as clams! Josie told one of the camp counselors (she did go back towards the end) that this summer was EPIC and AWESOME because they were allowed to stay home and have fun. Wow. I was shocked.

Both John and I were busy. Work and renting our investment properties on my end and a building opening on his, so we took turns being at home, making breakfast and lunch, and attempting to maintain some type of order. Lots and lots of trips back and forth.

We ate more Publix subs for lunches this summer than I'd care to admit, and the guy from Tong's Garden says 'See you soon!' as he leaves. If someone would have shown up unannounced I would have closed the door behind me, hiding the chaos of toys and books and forts and dog fur inside.

But lots of good stuff happened along with all that pajama wearing and Teen Titans Go viewing.

Both girls did tutoring every week except for vacation. Math and reading, with measurable growth. Josie rode her bike alongside John on his morning runs and went to morning mass with him quite often. We had a major breakthrough with some of Mari's issues and she is back to being the happy, goofy chica we had been missing. And Mari read her 5th-grade-level summer book to her dad and Sasha the dog. Plus beach, pool, movies, smores, and all the usual summer fun.

So as I write this on the last Sunday afternoon of summer, I am happy and proud of my little family.

Yeah, we are kind of a mess sometimes. But it's our mess. The busy, fun, giving, learning, praising, growing, sharing, loving mess of living our lives together as a family on this little island.

The girls are truly excited to go back to school. Maybe letting them live off schedule for this time has made them long for some structure? Or maybe they are just bored with my snacks. ;)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Long time gone

I know, I's been FOREVER since I wrote a blog post. Actually, it was late December, but I get it, it's been a long time.

Thank you, fans, for missing me! I appreciate it. I truly do. Someone even sent me a list of possible topics, just in case I'd been absent because I'd run out of things to write about. Not the case, of course. I think of different things on a daily basis, I just haven't had the time or inclination to write about them.

Until today, that is. I'm home with a sick kid. I was bummed about the schedule change and missing work, but decided to embrace the day and get a ton of things done. Well, it's 12:40 pm and so far my list of accomplishments isn't very impressive.

So as I look at baskets of laundry I could wash, dry, and put away, and a pile of papers that I could file, I immediately thought about writing a blog post....way more fun than my other options.

I started working at my girls' school on March 1. As most of you know, I really starting working there in August, setting up the lunch program, training the employee in the cafeteria, and putting in a few hours every day as assistant lunch lady. Snack room on Friday's, fundraising events, etc, etc....I was there quite a bit.

So the change was that I became an EMPLOYEE not a volunteer. Yes, after almost 15 years at home with the girls (and enjoying a 'ladies who lunch and shop' life before they arrived), I have a job. A desk. Co-workers. And....a paycheck!

I am learning a new skill (accounting) and putting my old skills (fundraising, planning events, organizing) to use on a much higher level. I love it. Like, really, really love it.

After working for a few weeks I realized that before, I had all time in the world to do all the things I didn't want to do, like clean my house and do laundry.

And I felt guilty paying to have someone do those things (since I should WANT to do those things, adding some major beating-myself-up to the game). Not anymore! Mommy has a job....bring on the house cleaner, the yard guy, and I'll drop the laundry off at Sandy's on my way to school.

Maybe I'll get to the office at some point today and even check a few household chores off the list. Or not. Right now I'm enjoying a snoring dog on my legs and a little writing time.