People who live in Key West weigh themselves at the grocery store. Yes, they do. There are large scales at the entrances to both Publix grocery stores, and every time I am there (which is several times a week), I observe people weighing themselves. In fact, I've seen people standing in line to weigh themselves. Are they saving money instead of buying a small home scale? Or maybe saving space at home? Or maybe they are making sure they haven't gained weight on vacation from eating too many fried grouper sandwiches? These questions come to me every time I see a person step on the Publix scale.
I can't imagine this happening in Maryland.....what if someone behind you saw how much you weighed? What if someone saw you using the scale at Wegman's or Safeway or Giant and thought you couldn't afford a scale of your own? OMG - THE HORROR! Well, really, you'd have to move to another town after that.
I think that is why it cracks me up every time I see it, because down here people don't care about either thing. If you need some eggs and milk, and you want to check your weight, have at it!
People who live in Key West are also very helpful. If you ask someone for directions, or for help getting something down from a store shelf, they will stop and assist you. And you will probably get a good story or two out of the exchange.
Yesterday I was in my car running errands. The snowbird/spring break traffic was really annoying me because I had to get to one place before noon, and after I did that, I realized I had to go back home to retrieve something I had forgotten. Eventually I noticed that I was really hungry because I hadn't eaten since breakfast, and I had to pick up the girls in a half hour. So I pulled into a local fast food joint to grab a chicken sandwich. I entered the place in what I call my 'real world mode' - irritated by the traffic, stressed that I only had a few minutes to place an order, get my food, and get back into the traffic to get to school by 2 pm.
There weren't any other customers except for a young couple speaking to the cashier. She sent the young man out front to retrieve a map of Key West. When he returned with it, the cashier found a pen and marked the way they should walk to Higgs Beach. And then she turned the paper and marked the way they should walk to Smathers Beach. Slowly and kindly. At this point my head was about to explode. But as I listened to their lilting conversation, I realized that I couldn't have helped them if they had asked because I don't speak Spanish. And really, does it even matter if I get to school a few minutes late? Why am I being a jerk?
I got my sandwich and a diet coke and got back on Roosevelt Boulevard. I think I got a free lesson in patience and kindness with my lunch.
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