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Thursday, May 1, 2014

'Conchin' Out'

Lately I've been spending a lot of time with my chiropractor. A few weeks ago, when my family was visiting from Pennsylvania, I pulled something in my back, but decided to wait until they left before dealing with it. I didn't want to take away from the fun and their limited time here. Well, of course, postponing treatment only made sure that when I eventually limped into the chiropractor's office I was a complete mess. And my pelvic tilt triggered my sciatic nerve....not fun. So after many adjustments and ice/stimulation sessions, I was getting better. But then last weekend was terrible! I could only stand for short periods without major pain. Not fun or realistic when you have two girls and a home to run. So bright and early Monday morning of this week, I'm back with the doc. He says 'I've never seen you in any shoes other than flip flops. What do you wear when you are out walking? What do you wear when you are standing in your kitchen or working in your house?' I was honest and told him that since we moved to Key West four years ago I have two modes of foot wear - flip flops or bare feet. Oh, the lecture I received. But my favorite part was 'OK, so you're conchin' out, living the island way. Well, I'm a Conch, and I wear shoes every day. Real shoes. How can I fix your back if you won't support your feet properly???' Since then I haven't gone bare foot and SHOCKER!, I feel much better. Xrays showed no disc damage.....thank goodness for that. We are moving to once a week visits to make sure I stay in alignment and I am ramping up my exercise, adding more stretching. So as a public service announcement - if you are a certain age, planning on quitting your job and moving to Key West, bring some shoes with arch support. :)

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